Qualifications and professional membership MSc in Sports Medicine at Queen Mary Univeristy, Bsc(Hons) Physiotherapy at King’s College London, Bsc (Hons) Sports and Exercise Science at LSBU
The last course you attended and how you put it into practice “Visceral manipulation” at the Barrall’s Institue. As my practice developed, I have become more aware of the necessity of looking at all the different aspects that make up movement and performance in order to understand function and the effect of injuries on each patient’s lifestyle. This course helped me developed a stronger understanding of how organs such as the liver, colon, and stomach can play a vital part in the mechanics of the human body.
Any specific area of interest I have become increasingly fascinated by how psycho-social factors can affect movement, how performance can be enhanced by appropriate cognitive behavioural therapy and how musculoskeletal symptoms can often be affected by emotio-somatic factors.
The most challenging injury you have treated I have found that the greatest challenges often offer the greateast opportunity for learning and improving, both professionally and personally. I have initially found difficult working with terminally ill patient since symptoms can so quickly change and affect quality of life.
What makes a good physiotherapist A good physiotherapist is someone who can listen to patients without preconceived ideas and understands and respects the trust patients place in his profession.
The advice you give most to patients Prioritize your health and your well-being.